Saturday, October 14, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
the following week...
i'm finally [mostly] recovered, emotionally and physical, from the hell of last week's matching activities. i've gone through the denial, the anger, the bargaining, and depression, and am mostly toward acceptance of my fate. it's always nice, though, to get messages like this (scramble was on Tues 3/14):
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 20:03:58
Subject: Regrets about the system and our tardinessDear [bonzo],
I regret I did not get back to you in time on scramble day. ERAS ~ melted down on us and turned out to be the least good method of gathering information. You would have been an excellent candidate for us. Our loss. I wish you well. We thank you for applying to [this academic center].
[John Doe], MD
Program Director
[Our academic center]
[note: "ERAS" is the "Electronic Residency Application Service," the software used to apply to residency initially. Some residency programs utilized this also during the scramble.]
it doesn't help that [this academic center] was pretty much my top choice of the "plan B" list, and to see that i could have had a spot there. other offers included Loyola (Chicago) and Wayne State University (Detroit) - but i'm very happy with my choice of Rush.
still never heard from Iowa - and looks like they are still unfilled. figures. now just waiting to hear officially from Rush - to get my contract, and to find out how much i'll be making, etc. need to contact some current residents and get their opinions on places to live....
Ranted by
5:26 PM
snide remarks
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
back in the world of the living ... sorta
settled - i'm going with option - was it #2? (hehe - no comments on "number 2" please....) i have booked myself into a PGY1 (post-graduate year 1) general surgery internship at Rush in Chicago. will be interesting to be in the big city. but at least (or just another form of torture?!?) i will be close to family.
next big steps -
- get lady-love back into the country
- find some digs (house/apt to rent for 1 year)
- figure out how to schmooze my way into an oto residency while maintaining credit for the year of internship i'll be in the middle of....
in the meantime, "baby steps":
- get HxPxDx grades all tucked in - which of course means more grading, etc.
- ACE my psych shelf exam - that will be at the near-end of april
- go shopping for the first time in nearly a month - my dinner for the past three days has been peanut butter & jelly on a bagel
- throw out all my dirty dishes and invest in styrofoam
- i guess it would be a good idea to do my taxes at some point
life IS fun.
peace out,
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
So here's the status / options at this point:
#1 Choice:
1 program left with an open ENT slot - Iowa. (Research track, 7 year program). Dunno when they will decide on that - hopefully early tomorrow, but I am not optimistic.
#2 Choice:
Hooking up with a prelim / intern year general surgery program at a location that happens to have an ENT program as well - so can work toward transitioning into that program for next year. Top candidates now (depending on open slots on Wednesday morning) include Rush in Chicago and Vanderbilt in Nashville. Some other places too - may need to resort to DISTANT places like Pennsylvania, NY, or California. IF they have slots open still by then!!!
#3 Option:
Hook up with any prelim general surgery year I can scramble into, and worry about ENT with next year's applications. I may be accepted as a 2nd year resident, or I may have to repeat an intern year. Dunno what decides that yet.
#4 (last) option:
Plan to delay entering residency for another year. There are myriad things I could be doing in the "downtime" - not gonna bother listing them now. But they include a few things that will make matching next year a piece of cake. Theoretically.
So we'll see what we see. Ugh.
In better news, VISA stuff is "moving along" and the paperwork will be in Malaysia within 1 week. One more / less thing to worry about.....
Life is fun, no?
Ranted by
8:15 PM
1 snide remarks
Labels: despair, immigration, Personal, Work
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Woke up this morning to see Bonzo's txt msg on my phone: gotta scramble.
Oh, bugger.
Lemmie translate: All those interviews he attended were part of this elaborate process that ultimately matched 4th year medical students with hospitals/schools where they would do their internships.
I don't know what the (students graduating :internship places) ratio is, but I suppose there will always be cases of some end up not getting "matched" despite going through the elaborate process. So they need to "scramble" for any places that still have open spaces, if any.
Bugger, bugger, bugger.
(If you have the image of Hugh Grant banging his head against a tent pole while muttering those words, from the movie that's the title of this blog post, well, you're on the same track as me :p )
In this case, it seems there are 5 spots open for dunno how many applicants: 1 in west, 1 in midwest / central, and 3 in south (inlcuding puerto rico). Actual locations not available until noon tomorrow. And all he can so is "get on the phone, and wheel-and-deal / send out application materials".
Did I say bugger yet?
Will find out March 16th whether he managed to get a scrambled place, or if we need to go to plan B. or C. or D. or E. :D
Stay tuned.
(NOTE: reposted this back to "u.s. time", i.e. 12hrs earlier than "actual" Malaysian time)
Ranted by
8:40 AM
snide remarks
Labels: author-lynne, despair, movies, Personal, Work
Friday, February 24, 2006
Clouds of procrastination
i'm trying desperately to get some "real" work done ... not going well. not aided by my sweetie overseas, who sends me a link to her blog that i'm compelled to mimic here. bad, bad gf! not aided by a crash of this PC in the middle of my first attempt. grrr.
"word cloud" from contents of this blog:
pretty minimal stuff if words that are only used once are so big! (apparently the size of the word relates to is frequency of appearance in the blog). i guess i like "least" "hospital" "parking."
Ranted by
9:26 PM
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Labels: art, Blogging, Fun stuff, procrastination
EVENTS and catch-up
it's been far too long since i posted something here. not much time, so this is just quick.
BIG EVENTS lately:
- my woman went bye-bye - she's back in maRaysia. :,-( apt. is way too quiet, cat is nuts, and i'm gonna have to start doing dishes again.
- my "rank order list" for the match is submitted and unchangeable. only ranked 5 programs, but hopefully i'll be ok. will find out March 13th if i matched, and (if so) will find out where on March 16th. and will promptly get drunk afterward. might do that on march 13th too - if i'm not stuck scrambling for an unmatched program.
- delayed taking my USMLE step II computer exam - was booked for today, but 2 days ago (after speaking with staff here - to make sure i can take time off my psych rotation later to sit for exam) - at cost of $100 and > 2 hours playing on computer and speaking with the testing service via phone - i'm rebooked for monday March 6. at least now i'll have a chance to open a book first - assuming i take advantage of the time!! i'm not really bummed about the cost - a mere drop in the bucket compared to the $1,430 to take the exams (computer and skill-station parts). For those that don't yet know - the computer portion of the exam is a 9 hour (yes, nine) 1-day exam. The skill-station part is only offered in 5 cities in the US - i'm scheduled to take that (another full-day exam) in May in Houston (yes, Texas). Fun!
- finally finished (last night) the last big event for the class i'm TA-ing. sorta. they still have one more quiz and their final exam - which i'll have to work more on the huge "review packet" for, and type up exams once i pester the prof enough to provide the questions. and of course in april are the gyne labs, but thankfully the instructor coordinates most of that.
- monday i start my last core rotation - psychiatry. i've been dreading it, but theoretically it should be a lot of fun. i've been out of the clinics since mid-december, so it's a bit to get used to again.
i caught up on my woman's blog, and she posted an interesting link (see below chart for link) on "linguistics" .... i took the quiz and here's my result:
Your Linguistic Profile: |
75% General American English |
10% Upper Midwestern |
5% Dixie |
5% Midwestern |
5% Yankee |
sorta interesting. :-) check here for lynne's results.
in terms of lynne's return ... we're waiting out the red tape for the fiancee visa. they should BEGIN processing our application at the Nebraska Service Center within the month (knock on wood) - there's of course a backlog. after that processing time, we'll be granted permission for her to apply at her local embassy there for the ACTUAL fiancee visa. another couple of months for that .... i'll keep things posted here as i find out.
most likely lynne will trip in to help me look for a place if/once i match. so maybe end of march? perfect - right in the middle of my psych rotation - i'll need the burst of [in]sanity by then i'm sure. :-)
ok - out! hugs, kisses, and Coke Zero(tm)!
btw, how the hell do you do "superscripts" here?!? or don't you.....
Ranted by
6:30 PM
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Labels: Fun stuff, immigration, linguistics, Personal, quizzes, Work